
Free Freight

Free Freight for 2018.

On any order placed before March 31st, 2018, we will be offering free freight! Our only stipulation is that the order ships before December 31st 2018.

This means you can enjoy free freight for the entire year so long as you order before the end of March, so pre-book your orders and enjoy the financial benefits of your early planning! Prebook your best selling items, before March 31st, and Freight is on us for the whole of 2018!

Take a look at how much you paid for freight in 2017. Wouldn’t it be nice to see that go away for 2018!!!

Have any questions? Reach out to your sales rep or call MCM Brands on 800-920-5944.

Kindest Regards

Lee Blount

Vice President of Sales & Marketing

MCM Brands